Saturday, July 17, 2010

Summer Heat + Natural Hair

Ughhh.  So, I live in Texas.  Today, along with being a heat advisory day it was about 104 degrees outside.

Since the beginning of summer, I've been having trouble keeping my hair moisturized, and I thought that my hair was changing texture or something, but I've realized that it's just the excessive heat we have here.

My hair can be good and moisturized at the beginning of the day, but by the middle of the day, my little afro is just crying because it's so dry.

I think one of my problems is that I co-wash my hair everyday - which is good during every other time of the year - but I think by doing that, it's like I'm starting over with moisture at the beginning of each day.  I've decided to try just co-washing maybe every other day or every 3 days or something.  Also, it could be that my hair is getting longer and I just can't co-wash everyday.  I've never actually tried doing second day hair at all or anything, so I'll try that.

Usually the glycerin in my water/glycerin spray bottle would help bring in moisture, but the air is so dry that it's not helping, it's actually pulling moisture from my hair and putting it into the atmosphere, so maybe I'll make a spray bottle of just water and see how that goes.

Anyway, I'll see how everything goes and keep you updated on what happens.  I know I'm not the only one who lives in a climate like this, so hopefully I can look around and get ideas about what to do and see what others are doing so that my hair doesn't get damaged from this heat.


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