Thursday, July 15, 2010

Movie Review: Predators

I'm not afraid to say that I liked the movie!

I haven't seen the other "Predator" movies, and I didn't even know they were related (haha shows how much I care about the movies I decide to watch).  Anyway, but I really liked it.

As you can see from the picture up there, the monsters were a say the least.  Also, Laurence Fishburne's character was..interesting.  lol  When he first takes his mask off after appearing behind Adrien Brody's character, I actually laughed out loud in the theatre.  It was so dramatic, and then I saw him and I was like...hmm..ok.

Also, Adrien Brody.  Come on.  I don't know if it was just the way the lines were written, but ALL of his lines reminded me of the over-dramatic way that Horatio (David Caruso) says all of his lines in CSI: Miami.  lol I was like, no.  I. just. can. not.

BUT, that being said, I really liked Alice Braga's character a lot!  Her lines were so much better, and she's just hot in general.  Good cast.  I think she saved the movie for me.

OMG!  You know who else really saved the movie for me??  Topher Grace!  His character has this really weird twist at the end, and I absolutely didn't expect it!  ( but then again, I'm more adept and guessing the endings to House Hunters on HGTV than for any movie I've ever if you're good at guess what happens, you probably won't be surprised..)  Anyway, I loved him in this movie!  But then again, find him really attractive in general.  Whatever, be your own judge.

Rating: 3.5/5 stars

*DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of these photos/pictures, I found them online by searching the google database.


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